How to use Smart Video Proctoring?

Know to expedite fraud detection by skipping directly to instances of cheating in a video-proctored assessment. Leverage ready-to-use proctoring analytics to ensure fair selection.

Our AI based intelligence captures random images during the test within an interval of 20 to 40 seconds to detect any suspicious activities. Video proctoring detects violations such as multiple faces, no face and unrecognized face.

Note: Ensure to enable Video Proctoring at the Global and Test Levels. You can also select Video Proctoring while inviting candidates for a particular test.

To enable Smart Video Proctoring at Global Level:

  1. Click Settings -> Global Settings
  2. Click Master Settings - Test from the list on the left
  3. Click Proctoring Settings

  4. You can choose to terminate the test along with the maximum number of video violations, as the test will be terminated if the candidate exceeds the maximum number of video violations.
  5. Click Save

To enable Smart Video Proctoring at the Test Level:
  1. Go to My Tests on the top panel and select the Test you wish to proctor
  2. Click Settings, and select Proctoring Settings
  3. On scrolling down the Proctoring Settings, you can find the option of Video Proctoring Settings. You can customize test termination settings based on the intensity of cheating. 
  4. You can choose to terminate the test along with the maximum number of video violations, as the test will be terminated if the candidate exceeds the maximum number of video violations.
  5. Click Save

Note: The maximum limit of violations is up to 10

Ensure to enable Video Proctoring when you send email invites/open links to candidates

View Video Proctoring Reports

  1. Go to My Tests and select the Test whose proctoring reports you want to review
  2. Click Reports to view details


3.  You can view the intensity of the Image violations and Window violations against each candidate's name

(a)Window violation alert in red, indicating violations surpassed the tolerable limit

Window violation

(b) Image violation icon in green, indicating violations within tolerable limit 

Image Violation

4. Click View Report to view / review the individual candidates' violation details. A new window will open showing the Summary of the candidates' report.

Scroll down to view Proctoring Analysiswhere you will find violation details as shown below: 

Proctoring Analysis

5. Click Proctoring Details, to view the detailed analytics of the Video Proctoring

Smart video proctoring

Be Section Smart: 

On the right side, you can see Section wise videos, along with an indication of the number of violations per section. 

If no video is captured, the Section will appear as shown below under the Sections list on the right:

Note: For the system to document a Section video, it requires the following: 

  • Candidate attempts the Section
  • The camera captures recording for at least one minute per Section

6. On playing the video, Red time stamps indicating exact instances of cheating will appear on the timeline. You can skip the video directly to those time stamps to view real-time violations.

smart video proctoring

7. The compilation of candidate Image Violations (captured every 20-40 seconds) is highlighted in Red.

8. Window Violation time range is highlighted in Yellow on the timeline, so you can directly jump to the timestamp when the test window violation occurred.

Such intelligent insights and analytics on real-time proctoring shall help make more informed, evidence-based decisions. 

Related articles,

How to use Image Proctoring?

What are iMocha's proctoring options?

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