How to edit a question?

Know how to edit question details and move question across different skills.

Edit question details:

  1. Click My Questions.
  2. In the Questions tabclick  icon which appears to the right of the question.
Edit question
The below window appears, you can edit the question here.

edit window3.     Click Save.

Moving questions across Skills:

If you want to move an existing question to a different skill, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click the Skill dropdown after clicking on icon (Refer to Step 1 under Section I above), a list of the skills to which this question can be moved will appear. 
    move skill
  2. If the question's current skill is already used in a test. 
    The below pop-up window with the following message appears:

    If the question you wish to move is already used, follow the below steps to edit. 

    a.  Go to My Tests, select the Test, that is the test(s) highlighted in the pop-up.
    b.  Locate the skill to which question already belongs and replace or remove this question from the respective section(s) in the test.
  3. Go back to editing your question and select the Skill to which you wish to move.
    A pop-up appears for your confirmation, since the question is now not used in any test.
  4. Click Yes, move to move your question to selected skill.

Related articles,

How to create/edit a test? 

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