How to create assessments using Taxonomy Skills?

Create assessments using taxonomy skills

To create assessments within skills architecture using taxonomy skills,

  1. Go to Skills Architecture -> Skills Taxonomy. Click on Skills Master. The skills master maintains iMocha skills and Custom Skills.
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  2. To upload custom skills, go to My Skills -> Upload Skills. 
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    Download the excel template to fill in the details and upload the file. 
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    Note: After each upload, a summary email is sent to the notification inbox, detailing successful and unsuccessful records along with remarks. If the upload fails, you can review the summary email for more information.
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  3. Create My Taxonomy  using skills from skill master. To create this, follow  How to configure masters to create My Taxonomy in the account?.
  4. Once skills are added and My Taxonomy is created, you can edit/view it as well by following How to View/Edit My Taxonomy in the account?
  5. In the View/Edit section, you can proceed to map skills with the question bank. You can know How to map question bank to taxonomy skills in the account? here. If mapping is done previously, then it be visible by default.
  6.  If you want to create your own questions and map it to the skill, go to Skills Validation. Click on the three dot menu beside Analytics and select My Questions.
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  7. Select the relevant area or Question Type
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  8. Click Add Skill. 
    The skills visible within the dropdown menu are skills from the Skills Master including iMocha Skills and My Skills.
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  9. To create a test, go to Skills Validation. Select My Tests. 
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  10. Select the test to make relevant changes. Click Add Skill
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    Add the skill, question bank, question type and the taxonomy skill.
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    Note: The taxonomy skills menu will list the default skills mapped to the selected question bank. The user can select most relevant skills.
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  11. Select the relevant questions once the skills are selected. Save the test.
  12. Selecting taxonomy skill in test creation is not mandatory, if the taxonomy skill is not selected then the Question scores will be mapped against the skill mapped to the question bank by default by iMocha.
  13. If the taxonomy skill is selected during creation of test, Reports of employees after taking test will be generated based on the Taxonomy Skills selected in test while adding questions and the analytics.
    Skills Inventory and Job Profile Analytics both will be updated with iMocha validation score upon taxonomy skill and not just the skill as before.
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    You have successfully created an assessment using taxonomy skills. 

    For any queries, mail us at