How to cancel the test invitation?

Know how to cancel test invites.

Sometimes there might be a situation when you need to change the test questions, but the test invitation has already been sent. Or it might also happen that you no longer want the particular candidate to take the test. In such a scenario, iMocha helps you cancel the candidates' test invite.

Don't worry; iMocha does not consider the canceled invitation a test attempt. So there will not be any deductions from your test attempt count.

To cancel the test invitation:

  1. Click My Tests, and select the Test you want to delete.

  2. Click Test Name.
  3. Click Invites.
  4. Select the link for which you want to cancel the invitations.
    email invitation
  5. The list of candidates that have been invited to the test will appear. Select the check box for the candidate you want to cancel the test invite.
    select candidate
  6. Click the Cancel Invitation. 
    cancel invitation
    An email is sent to the candidates notifying their test cancellation.


  1. You can cancel only that invite whose Test Status is Pending.
  2. You can cancel a maximum of 50 invitations in bulk, at once.  

Managing cancelled test invitation:

  1. Once an invitation has been cancelled. The Test Status shall be updated on the invitations' list as below:
  2. If you wish to attempt another invitation on a cancelled invite, you may click on Invite Candidates and send an invite on that email address again.
    This activity shall reflect under Test Status as Pending with an activated check box for the corresponding email address.
    pending status

Note: You will be able to see the newly updated Pending status, as well as the former Cancelled status for the same email address, logged separately as per the time at which you performed these invite activities.

Related articles,

What are the test invite options?

How to invite candidates and view score in Ceipal?

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