How to automate reminder emails for pending assessments?

Drive participation of learning and development initiatives within your organisation by using automated reminders to employees

1. Go to Global Settings under the Settings icon from the Top Panel


2. Select Master Settings - Test, and go to Notification Settings 


A page with these settings opens up 

3. You can use Pending Assessment Notification to trigger a periodic reminder email to employees who are yet to complete pending assessments 



  • "Master Settings - Test" under Global Settings once configured will apply to all your assessments thereon

  • Only users with access to Edit Assessment Settings will be able to modify these settings

4. On clicking Yes under this setting, an email will be triggered to appear in employee's inbox . A screenshot of the email is given below. 


In case you do not wish to set an automated reminder email, you may select No

Use this setting on iMocha's platform to maximise participation in learning and development initiatives, by ensuring no employee misses out on any assessment.

Know More

How to automate assessment assignment notification for employees?