What is a custom test?

Know what is a custom test and how to create an exclusive test for a specific job description.

What is a custom test?

iMocha has more than 1000 assessments for different job profiles. However, there might be times when the skill you seek may not be available with iMocha. In such cases, we have the "Custom Test" feature to create a test as per the job description. The custom test can also be created for clients looking at a unique assessment that is exclusively made for them.

Am I eligible for the custom test?

As a subscribed customer, you can request a custom test. The number of custom tests that can be availed of depends on the package you have subscribed for.

How to request the custom test?

Drop an email to support@imocha.io explaining the job requirement and skills you are looking for. Our Support team will help you to create a custom test.

Is custom test chargeable?

Beyond the limit of your package, if you want to create custom tests, it is chargeable. Check out our pricing plans.

For any queries, mail us at support@imocha.io.