Using iMocha recommended skills taxonomy
To configure the skills taxonomy for your employees in iMocha, start by setting up the appropriate taxonomy. First, you can use the iMocha recommended skills taxonomy, which provides a structured and pre-defined list of skills tailored to common industry standards. Alternatively, you can also upload your own master list or taxonomy master. This allows you to adapt the skills taxonomy to better fit your organization's specific requirements and needs. This flexibility ensures that the skills taxonomy is aligned with your unique business goals.
To use iMocha recommended skill taxonomy,
- Login to talent management portal. Go to Skills Architecture -> Skills Taxonomy and select iMocha Taxonomy.
- On this page, the records of iMocha's account are displayed, listing all skills along with their specific taxonomy or hierarchy i.e. Domain, Sub-Domain, Skill Cluster, Skill and (Display) Name.
- Entire Domain row is used to create job profile and assessments to validate the skills.
- You can filter or search the domain to refine your search within the iMocha taxonomy. Use the Filter option to get the desired results.
- In a similar way, sub-domain and skill cluster can be filtered to narrow down the results further. Once you have applied the filter, click on Apply.
- The displayed results are filtered based on the applied criteria.
- The Skill Information page, displays four tabs i.e. Skill Information, Skill Rubric, Mapped Question Bank and Certificates.
To view Skill Information like classification, description, tags etc. click on View option -
The Skill Rubric displays definitions for each proficiency level according to the configured scale for the account.
- Under the Mapped Question Bank, you can associate relevant questions with the available skills. This allows for a targeted assessment of specific skill areas.
In the Certificates section, admins can see the default certificates linked to each taxonomy skill. These certificates serve as a certification path for employees. Also, admins can map internal or external certifications to taxonomy skills. This ensures employees know the certifications they need for their career paths.
If you want to change the skill classification or display name etc. you can do it by going to My Taxonomy Master under Skills Architecture.
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