Use instantly generated analytics for each program, module and assessment, to analyze the performance of your learning initiative
1. Go to Skills Validation->Programs->My Programs from the Top panel on your dashboard

2. From the list of Programs that appear, select the Program for whic you want to view the analytics.
3. Click the Analytics tab.
Program Analytics
The Analytics page will show Program level insights containing data of learners who have completed the whole program.
Module Analytics
On scrolling further, you will see analytics for each Module within the Program.
Note: Quick Analytics
1. Number of employees who have been assigned the Program.
2. Number of employees who have completed the Program, i.e., completed all Assessments of every Module in a Program.
3.Number of employees who are yet to appear for the Program.
4. Percentage of completion of each module.
Skill Proficiency
Based on the configuration, you can see the number of employees who fall in each category of proficiency, e.g., here, you can view how many employees fall in Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced and Proficient categories.
Assessment Analytics
i. Click on View Details, for the module whose assessment reports you wish to analyze.
The list of Assessments inside the Module will appear.
ii. Click on View Reports for the Assessment whose reports you wish to analyze.
A list of employees along with their status on the selected Assessment will appear. You can see the Score, Assessment Status, Date of Attempt, Proctoring Violations and View Reports option.
iii. To view an employee's assessment report, click on the View Reports icon, as indicated above
A new window tab containing detailed analytics on the employee's performance will open.
Here's the glimpse of an employee report
Use readily generated analytics on Program, Module and Assessments to understand the skill proficiency of your employees. iMocha's talent analytics will guide to take intelligent decisions and help you design, implement, track and refine your learning initiatives.
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