Code Quality helps you identify exceptional coders by providing insights into a candidate's code, highlighting its complexity, maintainability, and reliability.
Hiring Managers often spend much time reviewing the code written by candidates. Along with the accuracy of the code and its ability to run against the test cases, other crucial factors, such as code optimization, readability, modularity, reusability, maintainability, and security, reveal the candidate's coding style. This is important since developers need to collaborate with their teams, and a clean code does make everyone's life easy. Code Quality acts as a quality gate to help Hiring Managers, and Technical Recruiters identify the candidates with the best coding styles.
Note: Currently, we only support code quality reports for Java and Python (v3). To enable Code Quality in your account, please contact your account manager or drop a mail to
Let's see how code quality works. Watch the below video.
How to view a Code Quality Report?
1. Select the Test -> Reports
2. Click View Report for the candidate
3. In the Report, enable the Code Quality Toggle button
Note: Code Quality reports will only be generated for successful code compilations
What are the Code Quality Parameters?
To help you better understand the candidate's coding style, we have included the below parameters.
Major and Minor Violation The issues in the code are categorized as Major and Minor violations. This is further highlighted in the actual code by color-coded representation.
Cyclomatic Complexity The code quality report scans the code to determine the cyclomatic complexity levels and rate it accordingly. |
Cyclomatic complexity (CYC) is a software metric used to determine the complexity of a program. It is a count of the number of decisions in the source code. The higher the count, the more complex the code.
Maintainability The code quality report displays the maintainability rating. |
While attempting the solution, candidates may write a code that is easier to implement and pass the necessary test cases. However, this code may require additional work, in the long run, thus creating a technical debt for the team. The lower maintainability required, the better the code. |
Reliability When the code is scanned, the reliability grade is displayed. |
Reliability is the ability of the code to perform the operations consistently without any failures every time it runs. The software would be less useful if the code functions differently every time it runs, even though the same input is given in the same environment. |
If you have any queries on how this works or require a demo for your team, write to us at
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