Create job profile for an account by mapping skills and capabilities.
Once you have configured the job role and capabilities, you can create a job profile for the account by adding profile information, job role, skills etc.
Step 1: Create a Job Profile
To create a job profile,
- Go to Skills Architecture -> Job Profiles.
- Enter the job role and the job profile.
- Select appropriate job role, job family and sector from the drop down menu.
- Select the location or where the employee's profile is positioned.
- Enter the amount of experience required for a particular job profile.
- You can add additional information related to the job profile. This step is optional. Click Generate Job Description to create the job description.
Step 2: Generate Job Description
Once the description is generated, click Generate Skills to add skills related to the job profile.
Step 3: Add Skills to job profile
- The skills related to the job profile automatically populates.
Note: These skills are extracted by AI from My Taxonomy section. - If you wish to add skills manually, go to Add Skills option. All the skills related to the job profile will populate in this section.
- Under Select Skills tab, choose the skills you wish to add to the given job profile.
- Click Add Priority and Proficiency to add the priority rating for the skill and proficiency required for the chosen skills.
- From the drop down menu, select the priority rating depending on the level of priority.
- Once priority is set, add the proficiency level required for the given skill from the menu.
Note: The proficiency scale is a 10-point rubric where 1 represents fundamental awareness and 10 signifies legendary expertise. - After adding the priority and proficiency level, click Add Selected Skills to Job Profile.
The skills are successfully added to the job profile. You can view the details by clicking on the skill name. The domain, sub-domain, skill cluster and skill description will be visible. - If you wish to delete or remove a skill, click delete icon under the actions column.
Step 4: Map Skills to Capabilities
- Now, you can map capabilities with the skills. To do so, click Map Skills to Capabilities.
- We see a menu of AI-generated capabilities related to the job profile, along with the required skills. Each capability includes its name, description, necessary skills, and a skill map.
- You can add or remove capability manually as well. To do so, click Add Capability and select the required capability and click Add.
- If you wish to delete a skill, click the cross sign on the skill name under Skills Mapped column.
- You will receive a warning message to delete the skill from the job profile. Click Yes, I want to remove to confirm deletion.
- Click Map Skills to map the skills with the capabilities.
- All the skills required for the capability is listed. You can choose to add more skills and click on Save.
- Click on Additional Details to continue completing the job profile and adding the job code.
Note: Before adding the job code in the additional details section, you need to create a job code to enroll employees to the job profile.
Step 5: Integrate job profile
Once you have created a job profile, you can integrate the employees and link them with the job profile created.
To map employees to the job profile and create job code,
- Go to Admin Center -> Integrations, and enroll employee with the specified job profile.
- Click Sample Download to download the excel template.
- Enter the job code and save the file.
- Click Upload here to upload the excel file.
On successful upload, click Save. - You will now be able to see a note which confirms that the job code will be visible while creating job profile in skills architecture.
- Go to Skills Architecture -> Job Profiles.
Under Drafts, you will be able to see the job profile you created. Click on Edit to add the job code. - Under Additional Details section, open the drop down menu to see the job code added.
- Click Publish to publish the job profile.
- Once the job profile is published successfully, it will be visible under Active job profiles. You can click on the View option to view the job profile in detail.
To make any edits further, click Move to Draft and Edit.
You have successfully created a job profile and mapped the employees with the same.
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