How to configure performance category at test level?

Know how to configure performance category at test level.

iMocha allows you to customize the scoring categories for all tests. You can now customize the performance category of an employee in the employee report based on their performance. You can select the badges and the parameters for skill strength and weakness. Performance categories help the employee identify the areas to focus their learning efforts on developing those skills and closing the gaps. 

Setting the performance category at Test Level (Users with access to Edit Test settings can change the settings at the test level):

  1. Go to Skills Validation->Tests->My Tests.

  2. Select the Test that you want to customize.

  3. Select the Settings tab.

  4. Select Report Settings.

    Customize the performance categories or use the default categories. You can have up to 6 performance categories. 

  5. Enter the skill validity period here. The skill proficiency will be valid for the time period entered here. After the validity is over the skill proficiency will be marked as expired and the employee may have to attempt the test again to re-validate the skill proficiency.
  6. Click Save.


  1. The name and color of the categories must be unique.
  2. Two categories cannot have overlapping percentage ranges. For example, 0-50 & 50 -100.
  3. The percentage range must be from 0-100. e.g. category 1) 0-50, category 2) 51-100.
  4. You can set a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 categories.
  5. All the selected test's past and present reports will reflect the customized categories.

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