How to change account password?

Know how to manage your iMocha app platform password, change your account password, and use high-security settings on your password.

You can change the password anytime. We recommend changing your password every 6 months.

To change the password:

  1. Go to Settings -> My Settings -> Change Password.
    Enter your old password and then the new password.

    Change Password
  2. Click Save.

Note: Your Password must: 

  1. Contain at least 10 characters 
  2. Contain one or more numbers
  3. Contain a mix of one or more uppercase and lowercase letters 
  4. Include at least one of the special characters (!@#$%^&*)

Enforce more stringent security for your data with iMocha's password policy options.

Note: Enable security settings for all users of your account. To enable these security settings contact iMocha's customer support.

Following are the customisable password settings:


  1. Complex Password. 
    Log on to your account using the default password and then generate a new password by yourself using the pop-up window that appears.

    A complex password with multiple protocols will make your password more secure and immune to any cyber attacks. In case your password is not strong enough, you will see the following message: 

  2. Regular Password Rotation.
    Timely rotation of password will ensure higher security. Time of password expiry is customisable at iMocha. 
    When your password is approaching expiry, a pop-up window will start appearing five days before the date of expiry.
    It will serve as a reminder to update your password and avoid being locked out of the app. 
  3. Lock account after multiple failed login attempts.
    After a set number of failed login attempts, the system will auto-lock for a set time to avoid any more logins. Users will have the option to reset their password using the link: reset your password.

    For any queries, mail us at